Never Stop Learning
Baton Rouge Instructor Training
Do What You Love
Take the first step towards pursuing your education in Baton Rouge
Aveda Arts & Sciences Institute
Baton Rouge Instructor Training
So you’ve become a licensed cosmetologist, and you feel like you’re ready for the next big challenge. Why not use your skills to train the next generation of hair and beauty professionals? If you’re ready to dive in to the next phase of your career and become an educator, the Instructor Training program at Aveda Arts & Sciences Institute – Baton Rouge may be the perfect place to build on your career.
OUR Instructor training program
instructor training coursework —
Our Instructor Training program prepares you to become a full-time or part-time educator in cosmetology, with knowledge of Aveda products and techniques. The program is split into three phases.
First up is Teaching Methods, Assistance, and Observation (150 hours), which explains the essentials of being an educator—covering basic teaching methods, lesson preparation, and speaking effectively to your students.
Next up is Effectiveness of Instruction and the Science of Teaching (175 hours), which dives deeper into the same topics, then explores the purpose (and effectiveness) of various testing methods, how to choose appropriate tests, and how to evaluate teaching methods.
Finally, there’s Learning Environment and Supervised Practiced Teaching (150 hours). This covers a variety of other must-know topics, such as classroom control and conditions, recordkeeping, assessing students’ needs and motivations, and all-important safety procedures. An additional 25 hours is also spent on Instructor Qualities and the Performance of Demonstration.
how long does it take? —
The Instructor Training program at our renovated Baton Rouge campus is comprised of 500 training hours over four to six months. There are 31.25 hours per week, with a one-hour lunch break every day.
what’s needed to enroll? —
If you’re interested in the Instructor Training program at Baton Rouge, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’d love to hear from you! To enroll, you must meet the following requirements:
Licensing – You must be a licensed beauty professional to qualify
Other Requirements – Submit an application, pay a $100 non-refundable application fee, submit a letter of recommendation, a letter of intent, a government-issued ID with proof of age and photo, and social security card. You must also schedule an interview with an Admissions team member.
Do What You love
other programs at Aveda Arts Baton Rouge —
other locations with an instructor training program —
Looking for an instructor training program elsewhere? Check out our other Aveda Arts locations that offer instructor training
Classes in
visit us—
2881 Westfork Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70816
admissions team on campus—
Monday : 9AM – 5PM
Tuesday: 9AM – 5PM
Wednesday: 9AM – 5PM
Thursday: 9AM – 5PM
Friday: 9AM – 5PM
Saturday: 9AM – 5PM
Sunday: Closed