In April, Earth Month was celebrated, and it was the perfect time to reflect on how we could be more sustainable and environmentally conscious in our daily lives. Aveda Arts students and staff members organized a series of events and initiatives to inspire others to take action and protect our planet.
Aveda Arts San Antonio hosted a morning yoga session followed by the planting of plants using recycled shampoo bottles. To commemorate Earth Month, they also appreciated the community by designing sidewalk chalk art with an environmental theme in front of their institute.
Aveda Arts Lafayette and Houston hosted food drives to increase awareness and donations for the cause. Students at our Lafayette campus also dedicated time to their community by cleaning up their local parks.
Each school carried Earth Month water bottles, hats, and t-shirts with all proceeds donated to Clean Water Awareness. During the month-long celebration, Aveda Arts raised over $70,000 through fundraising and Earth Month merch.
Our institutes honor the Earth daily by only using vegan, cruelty-free products with naturally derived ingredients. Aveda’s mission was to care for the world we live in, which is why we strived to give back to the planet each and every day.
Our students found numerous ways to celebrate Earth Month, and we were extremely proud of their efforts in bettering their communities. We aspire to continue these traditions for many years to come!