Minneappolis Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence Complaint
*The institute’s Title IX Coordinator, Shayla Floyd, will receive the report filed. She oversees the school’s response to reports and complaints of sex discrimination. Her contact information is listed below.
Shayla Floyd
Financial Aid Manager, Aveda Institute Minneapolis
(612) 378-7406
400 Central Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414
If the complaint involves an employee, Kalli Blackwell, General Manager, for Beauty Basics, Inc. will also receive the report. She serves as a Deputy Title IX Coordinator for sexual misconduct complaints involving employees.
Kalli Blackwell
General Manager, Beauty Basics, Inc.
(985) 520-4776
303 South Pine Street
Hammond, Louisiana 70403
If a complaint involves both a student and an employee, Kalli Blackwell, will have primary responsibility for implementing the institute’s policy.
The Institute encourages individuals to report all incidents of sexual misconduct to the Institute so that the Institute can investigate and resolve such incidents. This enables the Institute to provide more resources and assistance to a complainant and to more effectively provide a safe, nondiscriminatory environment. An individual who reports an incident of sexual discrimination or misconduct is not required to initiate or participate in the Institute’s complaint procedures or to report to law enforcement. However, under certain circumstances, the Institute may determine that it has a responsibility to move forward with the formal investigation of a complaint (even without the participation of the individual who has alleged the sexual misconduct).
The Institute recognizes that some individuals may wish to keep their concerns confidential. Because of the Institute’s obligation to investigate and respond to reports, the Institute cannot guarantee complete confidentiality. It is also important to understand that responsible employees are not confidential resources, and are obligated to report to the Institute any information they receive about sex discrimination or sexual misconduct. “Responsible employees” are those who: (1) have the authority to take action to redress harassment, (2) have a duty to report to appropriate Institute officials sexual misconduct or any other misconduct by students or employees, or (3) a student could reasonably believe has this authority or responsibility. The Institute’s “Responsible Employees” are listed in the faculty and administration section of the Institute’s student catalog. It also includes retail and guest service employees.
While only certain Institute employees are considered “responsible employees” for purposes of reporting known or suspected incidents of sexual misconduct, it is the Institute’s expectation that all students and employees will report incidents of sexual discrimination and sexual misconduct (including names of the alleged victim and accused) to the Title IX coordinator so that the Institute can investigate the incident and take the appropriate steps to address the situation.
When a report of sexual misconduct is made to the Institute, every effort will be made by the Institute to ensure confidentiality to the extent possible, subject to the Institute’s need to respond to such complaints and to report campus crimes in accordance with applicable federal and state law. The Institute will protect a complainant’s confidentiality to the extent possible even if the complainant does not specifically request confidentiality. While the Institute is obligated to provide the Institute community with general information regarding incidents of sexual assaults and certain other crimes occurring on campus, publicly available recordkeeping, including Clery Act reporting and disclosures such as the annual security report and daily crime log, will not include names or other information that may personally identify either the complainant or the respondent.
To ensure that a complainant’s personally identifying information will not be included in publically available recordkeeping, the Title IX Coordinator describes the alleged incidents by removing the complainant’s name and any other identifier that would enable the public to identify the complainant in the context of the incident report.
Requests for confidentiality or non-action
Upon receiving a report of a violation of this policy, the Institute will seek the consent of the complainant to proceed using the procedure(s) set forth herein. The Institute strives to honor any request that a complainant may make to keep any such report confidential or for the Institute not to investigate or respond to such report, but complying with any such request will limit the Institute’s ability to meaningfully respond to a report. In deciding whether the complainant’s request can be honored, the Institute will weigh the request against the seriousness of the alleged misconduct, the Institute’s obligation to maintain a safe and nondiscriminatory learning environment for its students, and the Institute’s commitment to addressing and preventing recurrence of misconduct. This determination will be made by the Title IX Coordinator.
If the Institute decides that it has an obligation to investigate and address the alleged policy violation, it will notify the complainant before proceeding. The Institute will maintain confidentiality to the extent reasonably possible, subject to its need to conduct an investigation and respond to the situation in accordance with this policy and applicable federal and state law. In all cases, the individuals investigating and responding to incidents or allegations of misconduct will share information about the incident or allegation, investigation and response within and outside the Institute only on a “need to know” basis. However, complete confidentiality generally will not be possible.
Confidential Community Resources
Confidential communications are those communications which legally cannot be disclosed to another person without the consent of the individual who originally provided the information, except under very limited circumstances, such as allegations involving the physical or sexual abuse of a child or vulnerable adult or an imminent threat to the life of any person. The Institute recognizes that some individuals may wish to keep their concerns confidential, and that the Institute cannot ensure confidentiality. The Institute encourages individuals who have experienced sexual misconduct to talk to someone about what happened. Community resources may be able to provide assistance and support while ensuring confidentiality. Some of these resources include:
– Crisis Connection 612-379-6363
– National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-HOPE (4673)
– Love is Respect 866-331-9474
– Child Abuse Hotline 800-422-4453
– Safe Horizon Hotline 866-689-HELP (4357) or 800-621-HOPE (4673)
The institute does not have on-site counselors, but the Student Services Manager can help guide a student or employee to the necessary resource.