What to Expect When Getting Your Haircut at a Cosmetology School

Aveda Arts Students Doing Hair For Minneapolis

Cosmetology schools are a great way to get a quality haircut at a lower cost, but the process can be different than getting a haircut at a traditional salon. 

While students are training and perfecting their skills, their clients are a vital part of their learning experience. Here are some tips for making the most of your visit: 

Tip #1: Budget additional time for your visit 

During your appointment, instructors will check in frequently to make sure the student is performing to the best of their ability. Therefore, the service may take longer than a traditional salon visit. You’ll want to make sure you have plenty of time so you’re not feeling rushed. 

Tip #2: Bring lots of reference photos 

Showing your stylist photos is the best way for them to get a clear understanding of the style you want. The student and instructor will likely ask additional questions like the length of your cut or how you want it styled – the more photos the better! 

Tip #3: Collaborate with your stylist 

While the student is still learning, they’re also eager to provide you with a quality haircut that meets your expectations. By being clear and specific with your instructions and giving feedback along the way, you can help ensure that you’re happy with the final result.  

Tip #4: Request an Instructor check-in 

Although instructors will be checking in frequently, if there’s a point in your service that you’d like to revisit your reference photos, it’s perfectly okay to request to speak with an instructor. 

Getting your haircut at a Cosmetology school can be a great way to save money while also contributing to the training of aspiring beauty artists!  

Our students offer a variety of services – Visit our website to see our full-service menu and request an appointment with us today: https://avedaarts.edu/guest/services/